Monday, October 14, 2013

Blog #3

In Blog # 3 you will focus on three things: 1) Your outlook on sociological theory, 2)Your feelings on authority, 3) Experimentation as a lesson.  

1) Thinking about the three theories of sociological perspective, discuss in length which theory best applies to your way of thinking about human behavior and our society. Think about how you view events that happen, conversations that occur between friends and enemies, authority figures, etc. 

2) React to the Milgram Experiment. Do you feel that people will obey authority under any circumstances  if it is indeed legal authority or do people's consciences override their ability to follows authoritative demands. Please explain. 

3) React to society today: discuss the problems, issues or concerns that you as an individual have about society today.  Propose 1 way in which you think social problems, such as your example, could be changed or improved upon. How do you think we could teach future generations to work towards positive change in the 21st century?

1)I think of the Symbolic Interactism of the most common human behavior in our society. In our school there are a lot of groups that if one person does it the whole group will do it. Also some people join in to fit in also if there less popular then others.

2)I don't know what experiment you are talking about.

3)One of the major problems of today's society is peer pressure. They have to have a course to teach people how to say no. Its to common that kids to drugs and alcohol not because they want to but because there forced to. 

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